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Item #: HDPScrMix220328-c9f7
HDPE scrap shredded Mixed HDPE, High-density polyethylene shredded scrap
Your Price: USD 550 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: USD 550 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: PVCRegFro210914-70d8-1
PVC credit card Scrap from plastic cards. No lamination, Pure PVC with the chip removed. Packaged in Octabins with top shrink wrapped. Loading weight 20-22 tonnes
Your Price: USD 652 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: USD 652 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: tL8qjxTlqS
Melamine sheets Melamine sheeting material, 25 tonnes available for immediate loading
Your Price: EUR 290 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: EUR 290 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: BlaPETFla220801-cae4
Black PET flakes from sheets PET regrinds, from post-industrial sheet material. Ideal for sheet and fibre manufacturers. Loading weight: 24 tonnes. Quantity: 48 tonnes per month Packaging: Big-bags Origin: USA
Your Price: USD 560 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: USD 560 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: PETMonSha220721-a08b
PET Plastic monofilament shavings. 100% PET Mixed colour of PET shavings. Packed in Big-bags, each colour separately. The supplier will only sell mixed colours, separated by big bags.
Your Price: USD 850 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: USD 850 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: PETFlaUnw220715-edf9
Unwashed plastic PET bottles flakes PET Flakes, from water bottles, unwashed Clear Flakes: 87% Blue Flakes: 7% Caps: 4.5% Labels: 1% Other: 0.5%
Your Price: EUR 890 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: EUR 890 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: PETRegAnd220608-c8ad
PET Regrinds and Flakes Clear PET preform regrind: 8 tonnes Blue PET preform regrind: 6 tonnes Clear PET bottle Flakes: 9 tonnes
Your Price: EUR 1100 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: EUR 1100 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: RecFinPET220601-d653
Recycled fine PET Flakes PET fines from water and soft drink bottles Density: under 440 kg/m3 Moisture: Under 0.7% Dimensions: Under 2mm PVC: Trace
Your Price: USD 450 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: USD 450 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: PETFinHot220427-ca4f
Recycled PET Fines Polyethylene terephthalate PET fine flakes By-product from post-consumer PET bottle recycling
Your Price: EUR 410 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: EUR 410 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: PETFlaRec220324-e779-1
PET flakes Green PET flakes PET Flakes recycled from green post-industrial trays
Your Price: USD 450 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: USD 450 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: PETFlaRec220324-e779
PET flakes Black PET flakes PET Flakes recycled from black post-industrial fruit trays
Your Price: USD 450 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: USD 450 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: RecPETFla220321-fd22
Recycled PET flakes, light blue and clear PET flakes. Hot-washed PET flakes.
Your Price: EUR 1380 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: EUR 1380 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: RecPETBot220204-8d12
Recycled PET bottle flakes, from post industry, Mixed colour or white. Perfect for black thermoforming sheet production or for fiber manufacturing
Your Price: USD 330 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: USD 330 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: RecPETFla211126-94a2-1
Post-industrial mixed colour recycled PET Flakes, from thermoforming sheets. MADE IN JAPAN: Sourcedplastics from contracted manufacturers only in Japan. Our flakes are made using post-industrial resins (PIR), resulting in a high-quality product due to the lack of contamination usually found within other resins such as bottle flakes.
Your Price: USD 430 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: USD 430 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: RecPETFla211126-94a2
Post-industrial recycled PET Flakes, from thermoforming sheets. MADE IN JAPAN: Sourcedplastics from contracted manufacturers only in Japan. Our flakes are made using post-industrial resins (PIR), resulting in a high-quality product due to the lack of contamination usually found within other resins such as bottle flakes.
Your Price: USD 680 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: USD 680 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: PETChuAnd211012-1276c
PET Precursor (amorphous) in the form of chunks which have not been cut due to failure or maintenance of the equipment variation in the parameters of internal specification and / or. It may contain the presence of solid substances, of organic and / or inorganic origin. The CHUNKS, bigger in size, (as in the mound in the picture) loaded in bulk. The regrind, darker in colour and loaded in Big bags.
Your Price: USD 340 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: USD 340 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: HDPRegFro220722-e4a3
HDPE regrinds from Jerry cans and bottles This high-density polyethylene regrind is made from collected, hand-sorted jerry cans and bottles. The regrinds are washed and packed in big-bags Loading weight: 23 tonnes Packaging: Big-bags
Your Price: USD 820 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: USD 820 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: RecHDPReg220317-1061e
Recycled HDPE regrinds, High Density Polyethylene Post-industrial, recycled High density polyethylene. Made from jerry cans, 20-25 litres, very clean, no smells. Loading weight: 22-23 tonnes
Your Price: USD 850 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: USD 850 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: RecHDPReg220104-c610
Recycled white HDPE regrind from IBC material. IBC regrinds, Post-industrial The material is recycled from factory rejected brand new IBC Ongoing from the Middle East. The IBC regrind is ongoing.
Your Price: USD 700 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: USD 700 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: ABSReg220323-911f
ABS regrinds Mixed colour ABS regrinds
Your Price: EUR 1020 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: EUR 1020 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: PMMAcrReg220718-7e59
PMMA Acrylic regrinds Post-industrial acrylic regrinds 100% cast grade recycled Acrylic regrinds - PMMA CRISTAL 11,8T - PMMA COLOR 24,7T
Your Price: EUR 860 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: EUR 860 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: PMMRegRed211007-968b-1
PMMA Regrind (Clear) Acrylic Regrind Original material - car lamp cover Loading weight - 24 tons
Your Price: EUR 1090 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: EUR 1090 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: PMMRegRed211007-968b
PMMA Regrind Acrylic Regrind Original material - car lamp cover Loading weight - 24 tons
Your Price: EUR 890 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: EUR 890 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: RecLLDAgg220708-be0e
Recycled LLDPE Agglomerate from sillage film Linear Low-density polyethylene Agglomerate, is produced from washed, shredded silage film Colour: Black Packaging: Big-bags Loading weight: 18-20 tonnes
Your Price: USD 805 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: USD 805 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: LDPWasAnd220608-90da
LDPE washed and shredded Post-consumer LDPE is washed and then shredded. The material is compacted and packaged in big bags Loading weight: 20 tonnes
Your Price: USD 625 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: USD 625 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton