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Item #: PMMAcrReg220718-7e59
PMMA Acrylic regrinds Post-industrial acrylic regrinds 100% cast grade recycled Acrylic regrinds - PMMA CRISTAL 11,8T - PMMA COLOR 24,7T
Your Price: EUR 860 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: EUR 860 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: PMMRegRed211007-968b-1
PMMA Regrind (Clear) Acrylic Regrind Original material - car lamp cover Loading weight - 24 tons
Your Price: EUR 1090 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: EUR 1090 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: PMMRegRed211007-968b
PMMA Regrind Acrylic Regrind Original material - car lamp cover Loading weight - 24 tons
Your Price: EUR 890 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: EUR 890 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: RecPMMAcr220216-cf5b
Recycled PMMA (acrylic) in various forms. This is an ongoing supply of PMMA in various forms: Lumps, regrinds, flakes and shavings. All the material is clean, 100% post-industrial, from the automotive industry.
Your Price: USD 900 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: USD 900 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: RecAcrPMM220210-10e5b
Recycled Acrylic (PMMA) Offcuts. Post-industrial offcuts of cast PMMA. One load per month is available. Loading weight 22-24 tonnes.
Your Price: EUR 550 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: EUR 550 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: BlaPMMReg211001-f200
Black PMMA Regrind, from Injection automobile part for car interiors.
Your Price: USD 670 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: USD 670 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton

Item #: MixColPMM211001-ee2f
Mixed Colour PMMA Regrind, from Injection automobile part for car interiors.
Your Price: USD 670 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
Listed Price: USD 670 / metric ton oro.product_unit.metricton.label.short
metric ton